
Kim Glanowski, President

Kim Glanowski is an inspirational speaker, author, and anti-bullying warrior. She is the founder of Eden Hope Academy, The Reimagine Education Conference, My Story Is Beautiful, Autistically Beautiful, and co-founder of the Bullied Broken Redeemed anti-bullying campaign. She is the author of the Luke the Lionhearted series and has co-authored several other books. She Her passions are to help individuals thrive through education and discover their personal identity.

Candice Dugger, Vice President

Candice Dugger is an author, speaker, and anti-bullying warrior. She formerly led several financial mortgage teams and has served on multiple boards of directors for charity foundations. She spearheads the Bullied Broken Redeemed campaign, an anti-bulling movement. Candice’s proven, practical approaches to bullying have helped parents, teachers, and students throughout the United States. She also works with the Reimagine Education Conference team. Candice is also passionate about consulting with families and helping them rethink their children’s education.

Melissa Glanowski, M.S., Conference Manager

Melissa Glanowski, M.S., is an author and speaker.  Her My Story is Beautiful books are transformative for students and adults recovering from trauma.  Melissa is pursuing her Ph.D. in Psychology.